Healthy Food: 10 Snack Ideas You WANT to Eat

by Staff Reporter

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whatever your day looks like, snacks have always got to be involved. However, deciding what those snacks will be can be pretty tricky. Andrea gives you a hand.

Nowadays, with all the different studies going around which eating plan is the healthiest, finding something to snack on can be quite a challenge. Snacking is good for your body because it keeps your metabolism going and ensures that you never hit a dip in energy during the day. IF you’re snacking on the right foods, that is. Snacking can also be detrimental if you don’t choose your snacks carefully – that packet of chips you’re thinking about, yeah, that’s what I’m referring to.

Here are ten snacks that hit all the right spots:

  • Veggie sticks

Sounds super weird, it’s not. Veggie sticks include celery, carrots, cucumber, or even baby corn. These are super easy to cut up yourself at home but you can also buy these at Woolworths or Pick ’n Pay. This is a tasty, non-spill snack that is filled with nutrients. If you want to add some more flavour – try dipping your carrots and cucumber into some hummus or your celery into some peanut butter!

  • Nuts

Tree nuts, cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, brazilian nuts, pecan nuts, the list goes on and on. As you may or may not know – nuts are quite pricey to buy. To make this a little easier on the pocket – buy big bags of all of the nuts you’d like. Then get some smaller plastic/paper bags or Tupperware containers and make up your own assortment!

  • Avocado

What? How the heck could something so messy be a snack? Simple. Pack an avo, a knife, a teaspoon and a sachet of salt. When snack time comes around, cut your avocado in half, sprinkle on some salt and eat with your teaspoon. Bon appetite!

  • Date balls (healthy food can be sweet!)

Yes, you heard it right. Healthy food can be sweet. Sometimes you’ve got to put a little effort into snacks, especially if you want them to taste good. In this case, it’s making your own date balls with this recipe. It may be time consuming but it is totally fun anyway. These do have sugar in them but the great thing is that it’s the right kind of sugar – natural sugar and not processed sugar. I’m not saying you should inhale them BUT if you make instead of buy, half the battle is already won!

  • Fruit

The most straightforward snack since the discovery of fire – probably even before that. Bananas, naartjjes, apples, pears, apricots, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi fruits, grapes and strawberries are all filled with various nutrients to keep your focus going and another way to satisfy a sweet tooth. Healthy food can also be tasty!

  • Ice-cream

Speaking of fruit, here’s an interesting summer snack; homemade fruit ice-cream. DELICIOUS. Believe me when I say this because I have made banana ice-cream from actual bananas and the result was highly satisfying. Definitely check this simple recipe out. For now, to sum it up, freeze your fruit, blend, enjoy. This can be done with banana, mango, pineapple, strawberries and many more fruits!

  • Toastie

Toasted bread to fill the rumbling hole. With the current banting spree going on, bread has gotten a pretty bad name. For those still on the carb path, a freshly baked roll or slice of toast topped with smashed avo or any kind of nut butter is a delicious and healthy snack that doesn’t take long to make.

  • Kale/Beetroot Chips

These are easy to buy, but also super easy (and healthier) to make! Check out quick and easy recipes online for beetroot and kale crisps.

  • Smoothie

Yummy to drink, easy to make and packed with vitamins – this snack is definitely a winner. While making your breakfast in the morning get out your blender and blitz together some ingredients. For my smoothies I usually have a base of avocado (to make it creamy) and/or banana. I then add other things like berries, nuts and peanut butter. Or try this innovative recipe.

  • Snack Bar

There is a vast variety to choose from at the store and millions to make from online recipes. My personal favourite store bought bar is the Nakd bar. I like it because of it’s natural ingredients and because it’s gluten, wheat and dairy-free. As they say on their packaging, it’s just “fruits and nuts smooshed together”.

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Packing snacks can become a mission. To make it easier for yourself, make a set time every week to plan. It doesn’t have to take forever, just make sure you know what snacks you’ll be eating that week. Even better would be to pre-pack your snacks on a Sunday so that during a chaotic day you can just grab and go!


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