Subject Choices—Knowing How to Start is Crucial
The world is changing. Careers that exist today weren’t thought possible a few decades

How to do Grade 10 like a Pro
So you’ve finally chosen your subjects and now find yourself staring down the barrel of the final three years of school. Daunting, right?!

Grade 9 Subject Choices: How to Survive the Pressure
The time to make your Grade 9 subject choices is upon you. Do you play eenie-meeni-miny-mo or do you know exactly which subjects to choose? Find out how to survive the pressure with a few tips from Shirley.

Grade 9 Parents: Subject Choice Guidance
It’s difficult not to get frustrated by the combination of hormones and indecision that’s always threatening to combust. We have some advice.

Life Orientation – What’s the Point?
If I were to ask you what you thought of Life Orientation.. Would you mumble something about it being a waste of time? Want to know what I think?

The Aptitude Test
In grade 9 and in matric, there’s usually quite a buzz around the phrase ‘aptitude test’. Everyone is discussing the good, the bad and the worth of them.

High School – How to take the Bull by its Horns
Ready for high school? Find out why you should start writing this big chapter

Homeschooling – Is it a Viable Option?
Parents often wonder whether traditional schooling is giving their kids everything they deserve. Homeschooling

How to Survive High School
High school can be tough for many of us, while smooth sailing for others.