A Day in the Life of an IT Technician

by Staff Reporter

Christopher Bell: IT Technician

Technology is unavoidable in this day and age. It’s everywhere. Children who can barely talk are able to use phones, tablets and computers. Technology equals money. Technology will never die out and will only expand and improve as time goes by. We got in touch with an IT Technician from Sword Systems IT, Christopher Bell. The go-to guy when Google leads us to believe that our computer will soon turn into an evil robot.

Hey Chris! Just before we get into the nitty gritty part, what does your general day look like? 

Time of Day Activity Comments
06:00 Well, I wake up, have breakfast and then shower. I mostly have cereal in the morning
06:45 Around this time I’ve left for work already Any later than 06:45 I would be signing up for really bad traffic
07:30 – 07:45 Should have arrived at the office where I proceed to setup office and make coffee There are times I drive straight through to a client to avoid getting caught up in the office
08:00 Start working through my emails and Asana to plan out my day This occasionally can take some time due to clients calling in for immediate assistance
10:00 This time I should be out to meet clients if all has gone well with the scheduling If no work requires me to leave the office, then I’ll proceed to do my work remotely until further notice
18:00 I should have arrived at home where I’d proceed to unwind and work on supper for the evening Usually I just help out with the preparations.
19:00 Start a Skype call with a friend in Canada as well as check person emails This call usually ends when I’m off to bed
20:00 Squeeze in at least an 1h 30m of studying
21:30 Have an hours’ worth of Fallout 4 Maybe a bit longer than an hour ☺
23:00-00:00 Bed Time


What do you enjoy most about it?
I’ve always loved technology ever since I was introduced to computers as a child and working with it has always been a pleasure. The fact that there is something new to learn every day made losing interest in IT very difficult. My job at Sword Systems has put me in a position where I need to focus on all aspects of IT instead of one particular thing. That being said, it has its ups and downs. One more thing, I love dealing with clients as you get this sense of importance since they rely on you to fix their problems.

Your job seems to be quite broad then. What do you enjoy least out of all of it?
I don’t enjoy cabling (literally laying cables in the roofs of buildings and organizing them) as this is a repetitive field of work where you can’t learn anything new. On top of that, you need to spend multiple days on the same site doing the same work which can feel like there is no end to the work.

Are there any qualifications required to be an IT Technician?
With Sword Systems, there was no specific qualification required when I started as they were not necessarily looking for anyone with qualifications. Everything I know now I’ve learnt mostly from onsite trouble shooting (Google is your friend) and over time I’ve started signing up for online study courses to help broaden and improve my current knowledge base.

So what courses have you done and what are you busy with?
Currently I’m busy with my MSCA (Through TorqueIT) and I’m hoping to complete it by the end of January 2016.

Since you didn’t need a qualification, did they provide you with any training once you came on board?
Unfortunately, this is not available as the current infrastructure at Sword Systems does not support it.

What type of person would be well suited to this job?
Someone who loves technology and has the hunger to learn, loves people, and is not afraid of a challenge.

How long have you been in this position and how did you get there?
To date, I’ve been with Sword Systems for around 9 years and got the job through a friend.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in pursuing this career?
If you have a chance to study during or before working, go for it!!!

What is the earning potential of this career?
This can vary depending on what you know and who you’re working for.

What is a typical starting salary in this career field?
To be honest, I haven’t bothered to look. What I’m earning now has increased over the past 9 years including the increases based on my performance and hard work I put in.

Any quirky advice for scholars looking to pursue a career in your field
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life 🙂 

FundiConnect 2cents

Computer programming and IT are two major fields at the moment and South Africa has a shortage of these skills. The way the world is advancing with technology, any sort of skill with it could mean a secure future for you. Research the various fields in technology and you will most likely find one that suits you. (Some people actually get paid to play games before they’re released.) Go take a squizz at courses, whether they’re short courses or degrees. If you don’t know what to study, this is a safe Plan B.

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