Finding your passion and pursuing it is easier said than done. Don’t worry, there are many ways you can discover your path and get on it.
Perhaps you have an urge to be your own boss but no idea where to start. Maybe you already have a job but it just isn’t fulfilling. Or you’re struggling to figure out what you are actually meant to be doing with your life. Whoah, stuff just got deep. The point is it’s okay to be uncertain.
Knowmads is a great place to consider these questions, gain some knowledge and join a community of people looking to change their world for the better.
Know What?
So what is Knowmads all about? It is an international, creative business school that started in Amsterdam seven years ago. Individuals from around the world attend the school and go on to do great things. If you’re thinking Amsterdam’s a bit too far away, don’t despair. The good news for South Africans is that Knowmads Cape Town has recently opened its doors.
The most important thing you need to know: Knowmads is a seriously cool school. It’s actually part of a global movement of schools for change-makers. Yes, that’s right…change-makers: people that make stuff happen. That’s how confident they are in every participant’s ability to make a positive difference in the world and lead an impactful life.
What’s on Offer?
Knowmads is open to anyone and everyone who wants to add value to their lives.
Their education programs provide support by helping you:
- learn how to truly know and understand yourself
- build strong relationships and partnerships
- develop the right attitude and mindset to have a successful work life
- understand the value you can bring to life and what you do
- know how to bring your ideas into the world
Be Alternative
Knowmadic learning is different to traditional learning. Knowmads is about you; your interests, values and ambitions. Learning happens through interactive workshops you take with your classmates. You have the chance to try new things, fail and try again. That’s what real life is like: a series of mistakes that you learn from. So what do you get for this? Well, you get to take your bravery status up to the next level. You also get to feel empowered to do whatever it is you can to make an impact in your life and the lives of others. [vc_tta_accordion active_section=”0″ collapsible_all=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Learning for Life” tab_id=”1491831083071-c04dfa35-f7af”][vc_column_text]Whether you are set on becoming an entrepreneur or you’re in pursuit of personal development skills for inspiration, Knowmads could be just the place for you. There is a sense of belonging and community that is created by being a Knowmad. You are built up and supported in the progress you make. Duy vu Dinh is a Knowmads alumni and believes that the best part of the programme is the ability to find out more about yourself.
“Next to all the tools I’ve learned to start up a business or other creative projects, most important was my personal development. Because of the safe environment created by Knowmads, you will be encouraged to try things out.”
Getting a direction is the best thing you can do for yourself. It will save you time, money and give you purpose. Knowmads is an open environment where you can discover your direction. Kristin Higy is another change-maker who completed a year’s worth of programmes through Knowmads. She describes her experience as life-changing,
“Throughout my year, I defined what business meant to me and shaped my own way of doing business. I would say the best thing about Knowmads is how I learned to step into my own power and create anything I want in the world.”
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Sign Me Up” tab_id=”1491831083190-02441585-79aa”][vc_column_text]Knowmads is running quite a few programmes in Cape Town. To find out when specific programs are starting, it is best to follow them. You can find Knowmads on Facebook or get updates straight from their website. They also run regular workshops in the city centre. This happens on Wednesday evenings. Knowmads will run their first full programme during May in Cape Town. The programme costs R1200 however if you need a fee reduction or exemption, you may contact them with your motivation.
Remember: you don’t need anything to apply. Yes, that’s right – not even a matric certificate. This school is for people who want to learn, even if they haven’t found traditional school to be the place for them. [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
FundiConnect 2Cents
Life really is a journey and it is important to have some direction. Knowmads is all about educating change-makers and allowing them to develop focus and vision. This type of learning is different to the norm. It is cool, liberating and may just change your life.