Investec, through its Corporate Social Investment (CSI) division, has partnered with Brainwave Careers (NPC) to create CareerXplora, a FREE low data mobile app and Whatsapp chat platform (063 704 3030) aimed at assisting high school learners with career development, guidance, and support.
Providing Students with Guidance for Careers
Panyaza Lesufi (Gauteng MEC for Education) has previously said, “As youth unemployment and poverty become the most serious problems facing the country and, while, ironically, along with this unemployment, we are facing a growing shortage of appropriate skills, many high school seniors will soon be preparing for their final year of education before heading to university, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges or the workforce.”
“The shortage of scarce skills, an oversupply of low-demand skills, high tertiary dropout rates, and too many idle youths, are all symptomatic of poor career planning.”
This statement highlights the importance of career guidance and the vital role it plays in the development of South African youth.
The Importance of Career Development for Students
Career development is a progressive process that facilitates the acquisition of attitudes, skills, and knowledge to assist learners in better understanding themselves while exploring viable higher education and career opportunities (post Grade 12).
There are both vast economic and social benefits for the South-African economy when learners are supported and empowered to make effective and calculated transitions from high school to further education, training, and employment opportunities after having completed Grade 12.
A quote from Maya Angelou seems most fitting in this regard, “Do the best that you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.”
CareerXplora empowers learners to reach their full potential by assisting them in discovering who they are and where they are best suited within the World of Work.
Through a partnership that has spanned 10 years, Investec CSI and Brainwave Careers (NPC) have been able to reach thousands of high school learners throughout South Africa, whilst providing much-needed quality-based career development, guidance, and support.