We’re Creatures of Habit; Learners are no Exception

by Janine Basel


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Experts are all of the same opinion: You, as a parent, have the most influence on your child. And as the person who wants the best for your child, following the advice of Aristotle, habit needs to be, second nature and formed by training and deliberate choice each and every day.

Just as you had a hand in forming the habit of training your child’s daily hygiene when they were young – brushing their teeth twice daily, bathing once a day, putting clothes into the hamper (I hope!) etc. – so you can have a powerful impact on  their study habits too.

The advantage of being in a power differential, according to “Psychology Today,” is that there is an automatic greater force of control. The subordinate (in this case, your adolescent) naturally studies the superior. As your child gets older, there will view you more critically. That’s why your advice and example need to have a strong base.

Be a good role model with your habits

  • Keep things positive – the old saying “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar” is true. Your teenager will respond better to celebration of successes than negativity on failures.
  • Get the whole family on board – if your child is writing exams, keep conflict at bay, promote a sense of “being in it together” and encourage one another to respect the noise levels and interruptions.
  • Encourage physical activity – every good habit can only benefit from a good state of mind and healthy body. It also helps tremendously with concentration and energy levels.
  • Stay involved and interested – this allows your voice to be heard and shows your love before things are out of hand. No good being the voice of disapproval if you have not been involved in the process. But still try not to be too involved, that might freak them out too.

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Encouraging good habits from a young age will be highly beneficial for you child once they reach their teen and adolescent years. It will help them grow into more responsible adults which means you won’t have to worry as much when they head off to university or into the real, unsheltered world.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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