Everyone knows that staying healthy while studying is one of the best ways to perform well in your tests and exams. However, it’s one thing to know this but another to try to be mindful of this while you’re preoccupied with your studies.
Here are some practical habits you can develop to stay healthy.
1. Eat Healthy Food While Studying
Eating healthy food is great advice in general; however, did you know that eating the right foods while you study can actually increase your focus, keep you energised and even reduce exam stress?
That’s why it’s important to stock up on healthy food and snacks that contain the essential vitamins you need to stay focused while studying, including:
- Almonds
- Dried fruit
- Dark chocolate
- Air-popped popcorn
- Apples and peanut butter
- Fruit salads
- Vegetables
2. Go For a Walk While Studying
Going for a walk in between your study sessions is a healthy way to take a study break and refocus your mind on something else for a little while.
You don’t have to walk far, and you definitely do not have to go for a run; simply taking a 20-minute stroll or walk around your neighbourhood will help you fight stress and boost your mood.
In fact, a study done by Harvard revealed that taking a walk releases brain chemicals to help you concentrate even better. Taking a stroll is even connected with lower passing rates, so get out there and start walking!
3. Plan Ahead Before You Start Studying
Having a game plan before you open your textbooks will help you feel more relaxed while studying because you’ll know exactly when and what you’re supposed to be studying at any given time.
Being organised and planning ahead will also allow you to break up your study sessions into manageable chunks so that you don’t become overwhelmed or get demotivated, which is good for your mental health as it keeps your exam stress at bay.
The best way to plan ahead for your tests or exams is to create a study schedule, where you will list the times, dates and durations of your study sessions.
For example, if you’re studying for an accounting exam, you may set aside 3 hours every Wednesday to study two weeks before your exam takes place.
Don’t forget to include study breaks in between your study sessions so that you can stay relaxed, motivated and focused.
4. Get Enough Sleep While Studying
Getting enough sleep during test or exam season is integral to staying healthy while studying. Although this may sound impossible (we know how crazy student life can get), try and set up a sleep schedule for yourself so that you can stay focused and feel refreshed while you study.
With your sleep schedule, you may, for example, go to bed every night at 10 pm (no matter what) and wake up every morning at 6 am. This will ensure that you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night, and will also encourage you to study and get stuff done during the day.
With that said, here are some extra tips for getting healthy sleep while you study:
- Take 20-minute power naps in between you study sessions
- Do not study for exams or tests in bed (keep your work and sleep space separate or else you will not be able to fall asleep at night)
- Avoid drinking caffeine before bed
- Keep your room quiet and dark to help you sleep and avoid getting distracted
- Put your phone away before you get to bed (but make sure you have your alarm set for the next morning so that you don’t oversleep)
5. Manage Your Stress Load
Managing your stress may seem easier said than done—especially during exam season—but believe us when we say that it is possible if you choose to actively work at it.
To help you get started, we’ve gathered our top tips which will help you manage your stress load during your test or exam period:
- Go for a walk in a scenic area (in the park, at the beach or anywhere that is quiet and peaceful)
- Practice meditation and breathing techniques to keep you calm
- Go out with friends when you’re feeling overwhelmed, even if it’s just to grab a quick cup of coffee
- Reward yourself after each study session to keep you motivated and to take a break from all that studying
- Talk to someone you trust about the stress you’re experiencing
By following these tips, you’ll easily be able to manage your stress load and feel refreshed and ready for when your assessment date arrives.
6. Eat Breakfast Every Day While Studying
We get it, not everyone is a breakfast person—but before you give this tip a skip, it’s important to take note of the benefits of eating breakfast every day while studying.
Studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast each day has been linked to improved concentration, better test scores and increased productivity.
Be sure to stay away from takeaways (as tempting as they might be) and rather prepare a healthy breakfast for yourself each and every morning. If you find that you’re pressed for time in the mornings, prepare your breakfast at night and keep it in the fridge so that you can just quickly grab it and go.
Breakfasts that are quick and easy to grab include fruit salads, fresh yoghurt and muesli and boiled eggs, all of which you can prepare in the evening and eat in the morning.
7. Drink Water While Studying
Staying hydrated by drinking water while you study will keep your body running at its best, as it improves concentration and helps you to stay focused on your task at hand.
It is advised widely to stay far away from soft drinks and stick with water, as too much sugar could cause you to crash or feel weak and tired while you’re studying—basically the oppositive way of how you want to feel when studying for tests or exams.
If you find that you simply forget to drink water during the day, there are tons of apps available to download that will remind you to drink water.
8. Study With Your Friends
Studying with friends may sound counterproductive, but if you’re someone who is fairly social, you can keep your mood levels high and stay healthy simply by studying with your friends.
Findings have shown that studying with friends can increase your willingness to learn, allow you to retain information better and help you stay motivated.
There are also other practical benefits to studying with your friends, such as:
- Sharing lecture notes and other tips for studying
- Improving your time management skills as you will all meet at a certain time to study for your test or exams
- Making studying more enjoyable by creating a positive and supportive working environment
Get More Study Advice with FundiConnect
Following these steps will help you stay healthy while studying and keep you motivated during the exam period.
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