Get Ready to Take on a Degree

by Staff Reporter


Are you thinking of applying to study but don’t meet the requirements for your degree? Or perhaps you don’t feel confident to start your educational journey? We get you. Find out how you can prepare yourself for university and set a foundation for your future.

Thinking back to my studying days, it took me quite a while to figure out whether or not I wanted to study a degree and if I was actually ready for it. But once I took the leap of faith and felt ‘ready’, it was the best decision I could have made. Perhaps you find yourself in a similar position and you are also ready to take on the studying life. But how can you know for certain this option is the right one for you? Can one ever be ready?

Am I Actually Ready?

If you’re looking for an answer, I’ll respond with a quote,

“Life really begins when you have discovered that you can do anything you want.”

These words really resonate with me. It’s true. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind towards. So whether you think you’re ready to study or not. Decide. It’s always possible and you can make a way. The first step is knowing what you want.

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What does it take to be ‘Ready’?

So what does it even mean to be academically ready for a degree? From what I understand, it means to have the academic skills and thinking you need to meet the requirements for the course you’re looking to study. Studying at a tertiary level is very different from studying at school. There are various requirements the institution expects you to meet. Adulting becomes a reality. Let me tell you that. These requirements are a basis for you to know whether you are able to cope with the course itself.

NBT Communications Manager at UCT, Janine Dunlop, explains the concept of academic readiness as follows:

“Someone is “academically ready” for higher education when they are able to tackle the different demands that form part of the learning experience. The degree to which a student is ready in this sense depends on the academic skills they have already acquired, their ability to acquire the other skills that they will need, and their ability to engage with the content in their chosen subject field. The NBT, AQL and MAT tests help universities see which of these skills the student has acquired and where they may need support to develop their abilities in terms of academic literacy, quantitative literacy and mathematics.”

Make Sure you Really Want to Study

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” 

Max Planck, German quantum theorist and Nobel prize winner.

Do you understand what it is you want to be doing with your life? One of the questions I’ve been asked many a time on my own journey. It never gets old. And I don’t think it ever will. We are on this continuous quest to find new interests and, ultimately, figure out our passion. In this day and age, it’s possible for you to create your own career. Make sure you take action and accountability for the choices you make in your life.


How to make sure you are Ready to Study

To help you on the journey towards success you need to make sure you have acquired certain skills. Learning these skills will be beneficial not only for when you decide to study but in all aspects of life.

Language Skills
Institutions require you to have the ability to communicate in either English or Afrikaans (depending on the institution). Just think about it. You need to be confident in the fact that you can read, write and converse in almost everything you do.

Apply your Knowledge
Another biggie is to know how to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt in various contexts. When studying at a tertiary level you’ll need to be able to do this. It’s not a matter of just answering questions. You actually need to give some in-depth thought to your answers. Brainwaveeees in motion, I tell you.

Computer Skills
With the world becoming more technologically advanced day by day, it’s critical to have a basic understanding of how to use a computer. Basic skills, in this department, are needed for studies at a tertiary level.
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Build a Foundation to Study at Pearson Institute

It’s okay to need a helping hand. Sometimes you don’t have the foundation needed for a certain course. And that’s okay. But there are ways to change that. Remember you can do anything you set your mind to.

On that note, we found something really cool for you. If you don’t feel confident about jumping the gun and starting your studies, perhaps you’d like to consider some extra academic support. Pearson institution offers a Pre-degree Foundation Programme which provides you with a foundation in a range of skills needed to study a higher education degree at Pearson.   

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1. What does the course cover?

  • Theoretical understanding and practical skills in English language and comprehension
  • Numeracy
  • Use of computers and technology
  • Learn how to study
  • Conduct research

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2. What are the requirements?

National Senior Certificate (NSC) with certificate, diploma or degree entry or an equivalent foreign secondary qualification on an NSC level (NQF 4) confirmed by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).


If you have an international school-leaving certificate, you need to provide a certificate of exemption issued by Universities South Africa (USAF).

And you need:

  • 17-24 Pearson Institute points or more for non-BSc streams
  • 24-31 Pearson Institute points or more for BSc streams
  • 40% or above for Grade 12 English as a home or first additional language
  • 30% or above for Grade 12 Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy for non-BSc streams
  • 30% or above for Grade 12 Mathematics for BSc streams

3. I can’t afford to study – what then?

You’re in luck. The institution is also passionate about furthering the education of talented individuals by providing them with funding. Pearson does not want students to be limited by the cost of education so they’ve decided to offer their students funding. Yes, there’s a scholarship! If you’d like to find out more information, you can read about how you can apply for the Pearson scholarship right here.

NB: Registration closing date for 2019 was the 18th January 2019.

There is hope and there are lots of opportunities. You just need to make a decision and know that there is a way for you to get the necessary skills needed to move you in the right direction.


FundiConnect 2Cents

If you are in a position where you feel uncertain about your future, just remember it’s okay. Change is scary and once you come to terms with that, you’ll be happier for it. Soon enough you’ll find the passion that sets your soul on fire, in more ways than one. Or maybe it will take you forever, but in the meantime, take a hold of yourself and go with the flow. Life is a journey, not a destination. Find out some tips on how you can cope with change.


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