How to stay Motivated while doing Distance Learning?

by Staff Reporter

Motivation is key for many situations in our lives and especially needed for students doing distance learning. Find out how to stay motivated while doing distance learning. Stay motivated while doing distance learning.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”  – Theodore Roosevelt

It’s 5am again. Get up, get up. Today is a new day to start afresh and finish the next chapter in my Intec online Bookkeeping course. And so it goes. Let the productivity flow and the motivation last. In our day and age, everything is moving so technologically fast and as humans we constantly seek the motivation to pursue our everyday goals. Motivation is needed for many situations in our lives. This is especially relevant to students educating themselves further through online courses or distance learning.

Since technology is taking over the masses, distance learning has become an easier alternative to educate yourself further online, without the constant pressure from teachers or the physical act of going to campus. Yet, of course, we still struggle to find the motivation to push ourselves forward. Are you doing a distance learning course and struggling to stay motivated? You are not alone. Many students who take distance learning or online courses struggle and are the first to know how difficult it can be to study on your own.

Where’s the Motivation At?

Motivation, desire and self-discipline go hand in hand. Why? Well, you need the desire and passion to do something, which in turn triggers your motivation. Although, on the other hand, you also need the self-discipline to stay motivated in whichever task you’re occupied with. Whether you’re taking an online course or doing a distance learning course through an institution, you need to figure out a plan of action to get the work done with your own determination (in other words constant pushing and shoving). Yep, you heard right, you won’t have lecturers nagging you to do your work. It’s up to you to take the plunge, study on your own accord, hand in assignments and fight those procrastination battles.

For many motivation comes in different forms. It can be the simplest thing that shoots you in the productive zone just at the right time, like a tasty bar of chocolate, a rejuvenating run or even an upbeat song. I often imagine a gummy bear trail on my textbook. Those little rewards for every paragraph I manage to get through, make the world of a difference. Often it really doesn’t take much to spur on the energy inside of you to want to do more. Yet, without a doubt, often that demotivating feeling does come back to bite you in the bum. It happens and will happen multiple times throughout your life.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

– Zig Ziglar

With that said, how in the world are we to continue motivating ourselves and each other whilst doing distance learning? In other words, what’s the plan of action? Everyone has different learning habits and ideas of learning, but one thing is for sure. We all need motivation in some form or another.

5 Tips for your Potential Plan of Action

1. Find Meaning. Find Purpose.

To stay motivated you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Why is it that you are doing this specific course? Are you passionate about it? Perhaps, in actual fact, you aren’t really that passionate about it but it adds to your success in a different way. That’s also okay. Think about your reasons and don’t forget the sole purpose for your studies. Write it down and remind yourself about it.

Oh, and, don’t be too hard on yourself. Be honest with yourself.

2. Take Action

Set up a schedule

Sometimes it helps to select a certain time of day to sit down and force yourself to study. For example, if you work, dedicate yourself to your studies from 7-9pm every day or from 8-3 every Saturday. The whole routine approach works for some people.

Watch motivational videos

Maybe this video will inspire you today.

Reward yourself

3. Aim Higher

Set goals. If you haven’t already start now. It’s always good to have some goal in mind.

4. Look after Yourself

  • Exercise at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Take regular breaks and make those breaks awesome
  • Eat healthy and feed your brain with lots of nutrients
  • Drink plenty of water

5. Be Grateful

Write a list of everything you are grateful for

As humans we tend to focus on the negativity in our lives. Instead focus on the joys in your life. What are you grateful for? You may see a change in your mindset.

Lastly… stay motivated while doing distance learning

Of course, there are so many different ways to stay motivated and it varies from person to person. Above are only a few tips to start you off on the right track. Richard Branson, Entrepreneur and founder of Virgin Group, says, “The best way of learning about anything is by doing.” With that said, head on out there, grab your work with enthusiasm and do the best you can.

FundiConnect 2cents

Distance learning courses are quite cool because they give you the opportunity to gain work experience while studying. Anyone who is willing to take on the load to study while working deserves a round of applause already… You are able to work freely without the pressure from the institution and staff. Does this tickle your fancy? Have a look at Intec’s courses, if you’re interested to find out about distance learning programmes. Intec provides helpful courses on a variety of interests and is most popular for their business courses.

how to stay motivated while doing distance learning

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