Exams can be daunting, especially when it comes to studying and memorising all that necessary information you need to help you pass. But fear not! We’ve got the top study tips to help you ace your exams with ease.
Memorising information can be a challenge, but with the right study techniques and strategies, you can improve your memory retention and ensure that you’re fully prepared for your exams.
In this article, we’ll delve into the world of study hacks and memory tricks, providing you with valuable insights on how to study and memorise effectively.
Ready? Grab your pens, sharpen your focus and let’s dive in!
Table of Contents

Practice Effective Memorisation Techniques for Exams
In order to improve your ability to remember information, there are various effective memorisation techniques that you can incorporate into your study routine. The below techniques will help you expand your working memory, access long-term memory and improve your overall understanding of the material.
By implementing the below memorisation strategies, you can enhance your recall skills and perform better during your upcoming exams.
Use Visual and Spatial Techniques
If you’re more of a visual learner, then it’s important to incorporate the visual learning style into your study routine. To help get you started, be sure to test out the two visual and spatial learning techniques below:
- Create visual images: Visualise the information you need to remember by creating mental images that are vivid and memorable. For example, if you are studying toward your teaching degree and you need to memorise how to plan a lesson, picture how the lesson will go in your mind, step by step.
- Use memory palaces: Utilise the method of loci, also known as memory palaces, by associating information with specific locations in a familiar environment. This technique helps you recall information by mentally navigating through these locations.
Create Associations
When you’re busy studying, you may find it difficult to remember certain pieces of information, especially if the material you’re learning is brand-new. Here’s where creating associations can be useful. Wondering how to form connections with your study material? Let’s take a look:
- Establish associations: Connect new information to existing knowledge or personal experiences to enhance your understanding and retention.
- Relate concepts: All the information you are studying forms pieces of a puzzle, and they all interlink in some way or another. Figure out which parts connect in order to retain information better.

Use Mnemonics
Mnemonics are memory aids that help you remember information by associating it with something more memorable or familiar. There are two effective ways to use mnemonics while studying, which you can view below:
- Create acronyms or acrostics: Use the first letter of each word in a list or sequence to form an easy-to-remember word or phrase.
- Make rhymes or songs: Turn information into catchy rhymes or songs to aid in memorisation and recall.
Test Your Knowledge
Sometimes the only way to know whether or not your study material is sinking in is by testing your knowledge. There are two ways to do this:
- Quiz yourself: Test your knowledge and memory by asking questions and recalling information without referring to your notes.
- Repetition and retrieval: Engage in active learning by repeating and retrieving information from memory, reinforcing your understanding and retention.
By incorporating these effective memorisation techniques into your study routine, you can improve your ability to remember information and increase your chances of success when writing exams.
Organise Your Study Notes
When it comes to retaining your study material, keeping your notes organised is key. No more reading out the textbook and hoping the information will stick! It’s time to take charge of your notes and conquer your study sessions like a boss.
So, how can you efficiently organise your notes?
- Centralise your notes: Make sure all your notes are in one place. Whether you prefer a physical notebook or a digital platform, having everything together will save you time and prevent the stress of hunting for misplaced information.
- Date each page: Keep your notes in chronological order by dating each page or document. This way, you can easily track your progress and find specific information when you need it.
- Colour code for clarity: Spice up your note-taking with different coloured inks. Assign a specific colour to different ideas or concepts to visually organise your notes and make key information pop. Plus, it adds a fun and vibrant touch to your study sessions.
Tip: Write your study notes down in class. Writing down information from the board not only helps you retain it better, but it also reduces the risk of missing crucial details. And don’t hesitate to ask questions when something isn’t crystal clear–seeking clarification will strengthen your understanding and enhance your note-taking process.
Review and Refine Your Study Notes
Within 24 hours of taking your study notes, set aside some time to review and add any missing information. This will reinforce your memory and ensure you have a comprehensive overview of the topic at hand.

Prepare Your Study Environment
Creating an optimal study environment can significantly impact your ability to focus and retain information. That’s why it’s important to set up your environment for academic success. Ready to find out how to do just that? Let’s see how to best prepare a positive study environment for studying:
Vary Your Study Space
To keep your interest and focus alive, vary your study space. Move to different locations in your house or try out a cosy coffee shop (just don’t blame us for any sudden caffeine addiction). Changing your study environment helps stimulate your brain and prevents boredom from pulling you into the clutches of social media or Netflix.
Eliminate Distractions
Phones, TVs and other attention-grabbing gadgets are all made to easily steal your focus, so be sure to lock them away, switch them off or throw them out the window (just kidding, phones are expensive). Removing distractions helps you create an oasis of concentration where you can fully immerse yourself in your study materials.
After you’ve removed your distractions, it’s time to become the star of your own study show. Let’s dive into the exciting world of memory tricks and study strategies.

Break Your Study Notes into Sections
When it comes to studying, organisation is key. One way to tackle this is by dividing your study notes into sections. By dividing your study material into manageable chunks, you can prevent overwhelm and improve your focus.
To begin, set aside blocks of time to study each section separately. This allows you to give your undivided attention to one topic at a time, leading to better understanding and retention.
- Start by reading and repeating each line of notes multiple times. This repetition helps reinforce the information in your memory.
- Next, put your memory to the test by writing down the notes without looking at your materials. This exercise not only verifies your understanding but also aids in memorisation.
Through this process of active engagement and repetition, you’ll find that breaking your notes into sections can make studying more manageable and ultimately enhance your overall learning experience.
Use Flashcards
Flashcards are a game-changing study tool that can bring your learning to the next level. They’re not just for vocabulary words anymore – you can use flashcards to master formulas, key concepts, and anything else you need to memorise.
To make the most out of flashcards, start by creating flashcards for different subjects or topics. Write down the key information on one side of the card and the corresponding answer on the other. This way, you can test your knowledge and reinforce your memory by flipping through the cards.

Get Enough Sleep and Nutrition During Exams
Sleep and nutrition are essential for your memory retention and overall brain health. Without enough sleep, your ability to retrieve information from your memory can be compromised, leading to difficulties in exams. After studying, make sure to prioritise getting a good night’s sleep to enhance your memory retention and prevent memory loss.
With that said, sleep isn’t the only factor that influences your brain health and memory. A healthy diet is equally important. Consuming brain foods like fruits, vegetables, seafood and nuts can provide your brain with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
- Get sufficient sleep to enhance memory retrieval and prevent memory loss.
- Choose peaceful study locations to aid memory retention.
- Consume a healthy diet rich in brain foods for improved memory and cognitive function.
Overall, exam preparation requires effective study strategies and techniques to improve your chances of success. By implementing memory tricks, organising your notes, creating an optimal study environment and actively engaging with the material, you can enhance your ability to retain and recall information.

Get a Study Device Loan with Fundi
Now that you know how to study and memorise for exams, it’s time to get to work! As a student, you may want to use a laptop or tablet to study, as many universities require students to type out their work.
Using electronic gadgets is a great choice, as typing out study notes is much faster than writing and generally makes writing your essay much easier and more efficient.
If you’re looking for affordable places to find a laptop or tablet, be sure to check out the Fundi Shop! The Fundi Shop has a whole range of popular laptops and tablet brands for you to choose from.
You can even get a Fundi Study Device Loan, which allows you to pay off your laptop or tablet in small monthly instalments.
Eager to get a device loan with Fundi? Be sure to try out the Fundi Loan Calculator to see if you qualify today!