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Too poor to study. Too rich to get funded.
There’s no scoring goals at university finance offices when you’re playing in the midfield (missing middle), unless that finance office happens to be at the University of Johannesburg (UJ).
UJ identified that a large number of their talented students find themselves in the ‘missing middle’ – where they don’t qualify for NSFAS funding, but don’t have enough to fund their own studies. Some 9 000 applicants, in need of funding, haven’t cracked the nod this year. Of the 5000 students to appeal this decision, the majority come from UJ.
No doubt about it: the struggle for those stuck in the middle is real.
So UJ put its foot down
The institution’s executives decided to raise funding through contributions from suppliers, businesses, the public sector and their annual walkathon: Future Walk. How much did they raise? Oh, I don’t know, only 147 million randelas!
And with that, some 5000 students are back in the game. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how many MVPs were in that midfield after all.