You may have just completed your undergraduate qualification and are looking to advance your studies or you may have been working for a while and are looking to get back into the academic world.
If you don’t have the financial means, then you will need to consider a bursary or another form of funding. We have collected a number of options to help you fund your postgraduate studies.
If you have a solid academic history that you have maintained throughout over the duration of your studies, you may qualify to apply for a postgraduate bursary.
Bursaries often cover a variety of additional costs involved in studying such as textbooks, laptops, the living cost for meals and accommodation.
If you are a South African student in search of bursaries, then you are in the right place as we’ve compiled some of the ongoing postgraduate bursaries for you.
It is important to note that most bursary applications for 2022 have already closed. You should make sure you are considering bursaries for 2023 when looking at applying for a bursary. Many of the bursaries for 2022 have closed, however, there are a few that may still be open for applications. We have gathered bursaries for 2022 and 2023, so if you cannot apply for the upcoming year, you can always keep these in mind for the future.
The first thing you should ensure is that you are eligible for the bursary you are considering and that it supports your area of study.
Table of Contents
What is expected of you when applying for a postgraduate bursary?
All bursaries have requirements. These often include South African citizenship, a matric certificate and evidence of academic achievement. Most bursaries have minimum requirements to be met after the bursary is awarded, such as maintaining high academic performance. Make sure you can meet all of these requirements before applying and that you are prepared to meet the educational needs set out by the bursary.
This article, Everything you need to know about bursaries, will answer any potential questions you might have about the process of applying for a bursary.
Honours bursaries 2022
Here is a list of Honours bursaries available in South Africa:
- ABSA Cybersecurity Academy Scholarship
- Accenture SA Education Trust Scholarship
- Ada and Bertie Levenstein Bursary
- Analyze Consulting Bursary
- Aon Bursary
- Ashinga Africa Initiative (AAI) Bursary
- Association for Education Transformation (ASSET) Bursary Programme
- Babette Taute Scholarship
- BBD Bursary and Beyond Programme
- BET Software Bursary
- Canon Collins Joel Joffe Scholarships
- Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET) Bursary
- Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Bursary (DALRRD)
- Department of Sports, Arts and Culture Bursary (DSAC)
- Department of Water and Sanitation Bursary
- DSI-CSIR Bursary
- DSI-NRF Postgraduate Scholarship
- Esri South Africa: GIS and T Bursary
- Film School Africa Bursary
- FirstRand FNB Fund Scholarship
- Genesis Educational Foundation Trust Bursary (GEFT)
- Gert-Johan Coetzee Fashion Bursary
- Gert-Johan Coetzee Fashion Communication Bursary
- Globelec Scholarship Fund
- Gold Fields Ltd Bursary
- Golder Bursary
- Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship
- Harry Crossley Foundation Research Fellowship
- HCI Foundation Bursary
- HWSETA Postgraduate Bursary
- IIE-Vega School Bursary Competition
- Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
- iStudent Academy Bursary
- ISPA Inspires Bursary Programme
- Keaton Energy Mining Bursaries
- KwaZulu-Natal-Film-Commission-Bursary-Application
- Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship
- Master Builders KZN Association Bursary
- Mining Qualifications Authority Bursary
- National Arts Council (NAC) International Bursary
- Naspers Bursary
- Netflix Scholarship
- Old Mutual Actuarial Bursary
- Poliomyelitis Research Foundation Bursaries
- Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers Bursary (PwC)
- Royal HaskoningDHV
- SA Cultivar & Technology Agency Bursary (SACTA)
- SAAFoST Aubrey Parsons Study Grant
- SAAFoST Foundation Bursary
- SAICA Thuthuka Bursary
- South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners Bursary (SAIBPP)
- SAMAC Bursary
- SANBI Biological Invasion Bursary
- SANBI Joan Wrench Scholarship
- SANSA Bursary
- South African National Seed Organization Bursary (SANSOR)
- South African Society for Animal Science Bursary (SASAS)
- South African Society of Music Teachers SASMT Teacher Bursary
- South African Reserve Bank Scholarship
- SKA South Africa Bursaries
- South African Association of Botanists Scholarship
- South African National Energy Development Institute Bursary (SANEDI)
- The Cisco Charitable Foundation Trust South Africa Bursary Programme
- Tiger Brands Bursaries
- Tomorrow Trust Bursary
- Transport Education Training Authority Bursary (TETA)
- Toyota SA Bursary
- UCT Centre for African Studies: Jack Simons Bursary
- UCT Department of Information Systems Bursary
- UCT International Refugee Scholarship
- UWC/INSETA Bursary
- Western Cape Department of Health Bursary
Masters bursaries 2022
Here is a list of Masters bursaries available in South Africa:
- Accenture SA Education Trust Scholarship
- Ada & Bertie Levenstein Bursary
- African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Bursaries
- Africa Wetu Foundation Bursary
- Aon Bursary
- BBD Bursary and Beyond Programme
- Canon Collins Education Journalism Scholarship
- Canon Collins Joel Joffe Scholarships
- Canon Collins RMFT Scholarship
- Canon Collins Scholarship for Economic Justice
- Canon Collins Sol Plaatje Scholarship
- Canon Collins Tom Queba Scholarship
- Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET) Bursary
- David and Elaine Potter Fellowship
- Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Bursary (DALRRD)
- Department of Sports, Arts and Culture Bursary (DSAC)
- Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision BScholarship (DBREV)
- DSI-CSIR Bursary
- DSI-NRF Postgraduate Scholarship
- Dudley D’Ewes Scholarship
- Embassy of France Scholarship
- EP Bradlow Bursary at Stellenbosch University
- Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust Bursary
- FirstRand FNB Fund Oxford Education scholarship
- FoodBev SETA Bursary
- Genesis Educational Foundation Trust Bursary (GEFT)
- Globelec Scholarship Fund
- GreenMatter Fellowship PhD at University of Cape Town
- Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship
- Harry Crossley Foundation Research Fellowship
- Harmony Gold Bursary
- Hollywood Foundation Bursary
- HWSETA Postgraduate Bursary
- Imperial Stellenbosch University Bursary
- Instinctif Partners Bursary
- KAS-SAIIA-Scholarship
- Langeberg Municipality Bursary
- MANCOSA Bursary
- Mintek Bursary
- Mpumalanga Provincial Government Bursary
- Maize Trust Bursary
- Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship
- Netflix Scholarship
- Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa Bursary (PAMSA)
- Poliomyelitis Research Foundation Bursaries
- Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries
- SAAFoST Brian Koeppen Memorial Scholarship
- SA Cultivar & Technology Agency Bursary (SACTA)
- SACCCS Bursary
- SAMAC Bursary
- SANBI Biological Invasion Bursary
- SANBI Joan Wrench Scholarship
- SANSA Bursary
- Sasol Bursary
- Sasol Agriculture Trust Bursary
- South African Geomatics Council Bursary
- South Africa Institute of Valuers Bursaries
- South African National Seed Organization Bursary (SANSOR)
- South African Society for Animal Science Bursary (SASAS)
- SKA South Africa Bursaries
- Sorghum Trust Scholarship
- South African Association of Botanists Scholarship
- South African-German Centre for Development Research Scholarship (SA-GER CDR)
- South African National Energy Development Institute Bursary (SANEDI)
- South African Transport Conference Bursary (SATC)
- Stellenbosch University Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarship
- Transport Education Training Authority Bursary (TETA)
- UCT Archive and Public Culture Postgraduate Bursaries
- UCT International and Refugee Scholarship
- University of Johannesburg W&RSETA Bursary
- UKZN College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science Bursary
- UKZN Ethekwini Maritime Cluster Bursary
- Webber Wentzel Scholarship
PhD bursaries 2022
Here is a list of PhD/Doctoral bursaries available in South Africa:
- Accenture SA Education Trust Scholarship
- Ada and Bertie Levenstein Bursary
- African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Bursaries
- Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa Bursary (AEASA)
- BBD Bursary and Beyond Programme
- Bongani Mayosi National Health Scholars Programme (BM-NHSP)
- Canon Collins Joel Joffe Scholarships
- Canon Collins RMFT Scholarship
- Canon Collins Sol Plaatje Scholarship
- Canon Collins Tom Queba Scholarship
- Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET) Bursary
- David and Elaine Potter Fellowship
- Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Bursary (DALRRD)
- DSI-CSIR Bursary
- DSI-NRF Postgraduate Scholarship
- Dudley D’Ewes Scholarship
- Embassy of France Scholarship
- Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust Bursary
- FoodBev SETA Bursary
- Globelec Scholarship Fund
- GreenMatter Fellowship PhD at University of Cape Town
- Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship
- Harry Crossley Foundation Research Fellowship
- Harvard University Fellowship Programme
- HWSETA Postgraduate Bursary
- Imperial Stellenbosch University Bursary
- International Student Scholarship Griffith University
- Maize Trust Bursary
- Mintek Bursary
- Netflix Scholarship
- Poliomyelitis Research Foundation Bursaries
- Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries
- SAAFoST Brian Koeppen Memorial Scholarship
- SA Cultivar & Technology Agency Bursary (SACTA)
- SACCCS Bursary
- SAMAC Bursary
- SANBI Biological Invasion Bursary
- SANBI Joan Wrench Scholarship
- South African National Energy Development Institute Bursary (SANEDI)
- SANSA Bursary
- Sasol Bursary
- Sasol Agriculture Trust Bursary
- SKA South Africa Bursaries
- Sorghum Trust Scholarship
- South African National Seed Organization Bursary (SANSOR)
- South African Transport Conference Bursary (SATC)
- Stellenbosch University Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarship
- Stellenbosch University Lisa Maskell Scholarship
- Tiso Foundation Archibald Mafeje PhD Scholarship
- Transport Education Training Authority Bursary (TETA)
- UCT Archive and Public Culture Postgraduate Bursaries
- UCT International and Refugee Scholarship
- University of Johannesburg W&RSETA Bursary
- UKZN Ethekwini Maritime Cluster Bursary
- University of Free State (UFS) Doctoral Scholarship
- UKZN College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science Bursary
Get Postgraduate Funding in South Africa through Fundi

If you need help with funding your postgraduate studies, Fundi has a variety of ways to help you finance your postgraduate degree through either bursaries or student loans. Fundi can help with your tuition fees, textbooks, study devices, accommodation, and more. Fundi also offers a bursary support programme to help you succeed while studying.
You can also consider a student loan from Fundi to fund your Honours, Masters or PHD!