Technology in the Classroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

by Staff Reporter

The future is changing and it’s happening right now. There’s not much we can do about it so here’s a step-by-step guide to accepting technology in the classroom instead…

It doesn’t take a genius to realise that the method of teaching is changing. You may not have got a tablet in class, but we’re sure you have a cousin, daughter or nephew who does. While there’s an ongoing argument about whether it’s beneficial or detrimental, it’s happening. So the only thing to do is: understand, accept and know how best to use it.

1) Understanding the Shift to Technology in the Classroom

Your first question may be; “why”?

Why are we replacing a system that already works? Answer: new is ALWAYS better. Just kidding. However, in this case, it may be slightly true. The world is clearly moving towards a place where technology is at the heart. If everyone works on the same page (pun intended) then we may work more efficiently. The fact is: the old system does have a few bugs and using technology in the classroom may make the teaching system just that little bit more successful.

2) Seeing the Pros and Cons

By acknowledging both sides of the story, an understanding of the situation arises. Catherine Came, a teacher at Grayston Preparatory School gives us a hand with this:

Technology in the Classroom Pros:

  • It promotes independent learning, especially for older learners.
  • Instead of asking their parents or teachers questions, learners have quick and easy access to information on the Internet.
  • It broadens learners’ minds by giving them the opportunity to analyse, debate and form their own conclusions and opinions.
  • Images, videos and interactive smart boards keep learners interested and excited about what is being taught.
  • It prepares learners for their future in the digital economy.
  • Learners are able to learn at their own pace through different learning styles.

Technology in the Classroom Cons:

  • Firewalls can be hacked, allowing learners access to blocked apps or sites causing distractions.
  • Inequality is highlighted; leaving those who cannot afford the needed tech ostracised and lacking equal learning opportunities.
  • An overload of screen time; both at home and now at school.
  • General loss of fine motor skills like writing, cutting, drawing and pasting.
  • Despite the fact that caring for technology teaches responsibility, time and money are wasted when gadgets break and need to be repaired.

3) Taking Advantage and Owning Responsibility

There are a couple of ways you could feel about this situation. Whether you are a teacher, parent or learner, my advice is this: try to use the situation to your advantage. Yes, the system is changing, but that doesn’t mean that a hard work ethic has to. What can you do with technology that you can’t with a pen and paper? Well, do that!

Teachers and parents; take responsibility in assisting your learners and children.

Learners; take responsibility in absorbing and doing as much as you can.

It doesn’t matter how many external forces there are, only you can take the tools you are given and make a success of them.

Along with this, take the opportunity to expose yourself (learners) and your children (teachers and parents) to the skills no longer being taught. Combine the old pen-and-paper method and the new technology method. For example, research information online to be transferred onto a poster by hand for a presentation. Play a podcast for learners to take handwritten notes. Assign learners a task to make a process video of how to bake a cake. Write a draft by hand to be typed up neatly on a tablet and emailed for marking.


Want my opinion? First of all, I don’t think that there is any way to fight this if you disagree with it. Sometimes the majority and powerhouses of the world decide on something, and the rest of us have to go along with it. That’s just the way the world works.

I don’t think that technology in the classroom is wholly negative or positive; it’s just another skill set. Similar to learning how to look something up in the index of a book, write cursive with a pen or write an address on an envelope. So while it is an important skill set, it is ONE of MANY skill sets that I think children and adults, alike, need to know. Along with this, I think that, if you expose a child to all the tools and all the topics available, they will make a personal choice of what they want to do and how they want to go about doing it all by themselves.

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