With the rise of distance learning, education opportunities and international courses are but a few mouse clicks away. Thanks to the Internet and carefully designed online course structures, you can obtain a top qualification that reaches far beyond your national borders.
If you are looking into distance learning and obtaining a qualification online, you might as well extend your research to international courses. There are big advantages that come with international qualifications, including lifting you onto the international jobs playing field.
When you are studying towards a South African accredited degree, that means that your qualification meets the standard and quality of education specific to this country, which is more than fine if you are looking to work here. But what if you want to apply to a job overseas or work for an international company?
The key difference between international and national courses is indeed that the international course content is applicable to more than just a South African context. This is very useful not only for students who wish to work abroad, but also for students who want to work for foreign or multinational companies based in South Africa. Students who are likely to interact with the international environment will benefit from these courses, as they are based on international standards.
3 Reasons to Consider International Courses
If you’re going to tackle a distance course, it’s a clever idea to check out the international course options. Here’s why.
International Accreditation
Accreditation is crucial. It shows that a course meets the relevant standards, and that it provides quality education. Keep in mind, however, that it is up to you to check that the course you are doing is recognised in the country in which you want to work. The mere fact that a course is recognised on an international level does give it a certain level of prestige, but does not necessarily mean that it will be recognised in every country.
Even if you intend to work in South Africa, having an internationally accredited course can be a big bonus, as it often means that you were exposed to high levels of education and teaching methods that apply to a vast number of countries. An international qualification may impress a prospective employer based in South Africa, especially if he or she operates in the international environment.
To read more about the importance of choosing an accredited course, check out this article.
Job Opportunities
An international qualification could be the key to your professional success. When applying for jobs abroad, you don’t want to fall short in the international market because your qualification is restricted to a South African context, right?
Well, if one or more of your qualifications are recognised on an international level, it automatically puts you ahead of the game. You have much better chances to qualify for job positions abroad than with only a national qualification to your name.
However, this is not to say that someone with a national qualification cannot find work abroad. In the end it depends on the level of your qualification, the industry, the country, as well as experience. So students who wish to work abroad need to research in which countries and professions a national qualification will be good enough – it all depends on the surrounding factors.
New Study Directions
Sometimes international courses give you the opportunity to study a specific subject or area that isn’t available in South Africa, or at one of our national institutions.
Through distance learning you are able to access information and the acquisition of skills and knowledge that would otherwise be limited to students who can physically attend the course at the institution abroad. In other words, you can get a qualification from an international institution without having to worry about actually relocating to whichever country it’s in.
When you look around for South African distance learning colleges, find out if they have any international courses on offer too, as this reflects international recognition and acknowledgement of the institution’s role within the world’s broader education system.
Distance Learning Explained
Have a look at this video to understand what distance learning is about, and whether it is an option that you might want to explore.
The Bridge to the World
At Oxbridge Academy you can find both national and international qualifications on offer for distance learning students, with accreditation from two international organisations (ABMA and ICB).
Most of the international courses at Oxbridge Academy are vocational, which means they are designed to equip students with the skills they need to enter a specific industry of work.
Areas of study for international qualifications include Diplomas in Computing, HIV/AIDS Management, Human Resources, and Office Administration. Check out the entire list on their website.
FYI: There are various payment options for the courses, which makes them generally more accessible and affordable if you can’t pay a big chunk at once.
FundiConnect 2Cents
When you choose to do an international course, don’t just sign up for it for the sake of having an internationally accredited qualification to your name. International qualifications have advantages, but that doesn’t mean that they are always a better option. Sometimes national qualifications in a specific field offer higher levels of quality and qualification within a given specialisation. Make sure you research your industry before choosing between a national and international course.