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Napping in class or at your library desk is often something that gets you into trouble, but as it turns out, you might be onto something.
According to researchers – also likely to be frequent nappers – taking an afternoon siesta can drastically improve the brain’s learning capacity and ability to recall information. Their research compared young adults who took a 90-minute nap against those who didn’t in a learning task. By measuring the activity within the hippocampus, an area of the brain that contributes to fact-based memory, the researchers were able to pick up a significant improvement in the subjects that took a nap.
So we’re putting in our vote in favour of a national policy that gives the entire country a 90-min nap-time in the afternoon. We dream of a day when everyone at SONA is forced to take a nap halfway through…
“Musi! Close your eyes! Look how well Jacob listens…”
Here’s some more fun tips on how to live a healthy and balanced life.