Have you received your matric results but are unsure of what the matric pass symbols mean? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Read on to find out what the matric pass symbols on your matric certificate mean.
The final matric results that appear on your matric certificate are the key to getting into the college or university of your dreams. That’s why it’s important to understand exactly what these matric symbols mean and whether you meet the requirements for the higher education institution of your choice.
If you haven’t been able to find your matric results yet, then be sure to check out our article that outlines how and where to get your 2022 matric results.
Table of Contents

How Exactly Are Your Final Matric Results Calculated?
Your final matric results are calculated according to the various assessments you’ve completed throughout the school year. This includes any assignments, class work, tests as well exams. Take a look at our quick breakdown of how your final matric results are calculated:
- 25% of your final matric result comes from your Internal School-based Assessments (SBA). This is the mark given to you by your school. It’s made up of all your classwork, assignments, tests and exams throughout the year.
- The other 75% of your final matric result comes from the external final exam (except, of course, for Life Orientation, which is made up entirely of internal assessments)
In terms of pass levels, the minimum requirements for a National Senior Certificate are as follows:
- At least 40% in 3 subjects (one of which needs to be your home language)
- At least 30% in 3 subjects
Note: For all other matric passes, you will need to achieve this minimum.
What Do the Matric Pass Symbols Mean?
Now that you know how your matric marks are calculated, let’s talk about the different matric pass symbols and what each one of them means:
- Higher Certificate Pass: This will gain you provisional entrance into any College or certificate course.
- Diploma Pass: This will gain you provisional entrance into any Technikon or diploma course.
- Bachelors Degree Pass: This will gain you a provisional entrance into any University or degree course.
It’s important to realise that each of the matric symbols gives you a provisional entrance. Depending on what you would like to study, each course may have its own requirements. What this means is that if you receive a diploma pass – you can study towards a diploma or a certificate, while achieving a bachelor’s pass means you will be able to study towards a degree, certificate, and diploma.
Higher Certificate Pass
To gain a higher certificate matric pass symbol, you will need to:
- Meet the minimum requirements for an NSC (this includes at least 40% for your Home Language)
- Note: You will need to obtain at least 30% for the language of learning and teaching at the higher education institution ( this will either be English or Afrikaans)
Diploma Pass
In order to receive a diploma matric pass symbol, you will need to achieve the following:
- Meet the minimum requirements for an NSC (this includes at least 40% for your Home Language)
- At least 40% for four subjects.
- Note: you will need to obtain at least 30% for the language of learning and teaching at the higher education institution
Bachelor’s Degree Pass
In order to receive a bachelor’s degree matric pass symbol, you need to achieve the following:
- Meet the minimum requirements for an NSC (this includes at least 40% for your Home Language)
- At least 50% for four subjects.
- Note: you will need to obtain at least 30% for the language of learning and teaching at the higher education institution ( this will either be English or Afrikaans)
If you’re still feeling a bit confused as to how the Bachelor’s Degree Pass matric pass symbol works, then be sure to refer to the example below for clarity:
Meet Lerato. She really wants to study mechanical engineering at UCT (University of Cape Town). Even though she studied as hard as she could and achieved a Bachelors Degree Pass, her pass mark for Mathematics in matric is 60%. This means that even though she has a Bachelors Degree Pass, she won’t be able to study engineering because UCT requires 80% and above in Mathematics for admission.
The example and explanation above show why it’s important to know exactly what you would like to study and the matric pass symbols you will need to achieve in that particular subject.

Different Subjects for your Matric Results
It is also important to know what you want to study when you are choosing your subjects in grade 9. Choosing the right subjects will set you up for what you want to study and the career you want to pursue.
You need a minimum of seven subjects to obtain your matric certificate, including two languages, Life Orientation and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy. The remaining three subjects are entirely up to you, and you can choose the three remaining subjects from the subject list.
If you’ve already matriculated but do not meet the subject requirements for the degree you’d like to do, you can do a bridging course to help you get where you need to be.
So, You Understand Your Matric Symbols – What’s Next?
If you have received the matric results you need to study further, then great news! There are a variety of South African institutions you can choose from that will allow you to study further and achieve your academic goals.
Once you’ve selected the institution of your choice, the next step is to acquire funding for your studies! If you’re worried that you may not have the funds you need to get into the college or university, Fundi can help!
Fundi student loans cover all your educational needs, such as accommodation, tuition fees, technical devices and more! Be sure to try out the Fundi Calculator to see if you qualify for a study loan today.