Having Fun with a Boxing Specialisation

by Staff Reporter


I absolutely love a good gym session. I walk out of the gym feeling like a boss (maybe not looking like one, being drenched in sweat and all). Nothing beats the feeling of waking up the next morning with a good stretch of those tired, aching muscles – the feeling of sweet success. You know you’ve worked hard and you’ll feel good about yourself.

Well, most of the time anyway.

I ventured to the wild side of life and set off to the Western Province Cricket Club in Rondebosch. This happens to be where the Cape Town eta campus is situated. I was met by students, lounging on the grass in the shade, and the sound of weights clinking together.

Meeting Oupa

I was greeted by Garth Arendse, the gym manager, who led me to meet Oupa Mollo. Oupa was busy training a fellow student and client in the campus gym. I was welcomed with a warm smile and firm handshake. Oupa had just completed the eta Boxing Specialisation course and I was curious to hear about it.

We made our way to the campus gardens and took a seat. This is when we started chatting about all things gym, lifestyle, fitness and self-confidence related.

Oupa began his studies at eta last year with a certificate in personal training. This year, he is busy with his exercise specialist course. This means he’ll specialise in children, pregnant woman, geriatric people, etc. He decided to do the boxing specialisation because he has done boxing, kickboxing and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) all his life and wanted to be able to teach people – on a more basic level.

eta Boxing Specialisation

The boxing specialisation is a short, 3 day course and takes place at the Rondebosch campus. (Or any of the other satellite campuses situated throughout South Africa.) It’s for people who have some or other fitness qualification and would like to expand on their knowledge and skills.

Oupa said that he thoroughly enjoyed the course as it took him back to basics and taught him things he had forgotten years ago. He mentioned how excited he was to take what he has been taught and use it when training his clients. This will help to change up their programmes and have fun while exercising.

Rizqah van der Schyff, another boxing specialisation student, said that she enjoyed everything, from beginning to end. She enjoyed learning the step-by-step techniques and practicing each and every move during the course.

The course is more practical and less theoretical. There is obviously theory that needs to be learnt but the majority of it is practical. As Oupa says:

“What is the point of knowing something if you can’t actually do what you’ve been taught?” 

He went on to demonstrate a few of the moves learnt and the ones he does with his clients.

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Is it For You?

Both Oupa and Rizqah didn’t have anything bad to say about the course. Oupa did mention that the last day of the course was on a Saturday which was slightly upsetting at first. But he realised that the course was fun and benefitting his career. He didn’t mind too much after that realisation.

Being a competitive boxer, Oupa really enjoyed going back to basics. For those who have never done any form of formal boxing training, this course will educate you on the basics of training a client. This is with regards to form, posture and execution of the moves.

Not only does it give you 12 CPD points for the year, but it also adds to your worth as a personal trainer. It gives you another method of training where you and your client can have fun while getting active. Rizqah says that her clients really enjoy the boxing training and always end up having tons of fun while getting a good strength and cardiovascular workout.

Only you can decide if this course is suited to you or not. You’ll have loads of fun at an amazing campus and add a valuable skill to your CV. Why not try it out and gain some CPD points at the same time?

Advice from the Experts

The meet up with Oupa turned out to be a great experience. The students, including Oupa, all seem to be acquainted with one another and help each other out, if needed. Oupa is also a great guy who has a passion for his sport and career.

Rizqah and Oupa had advice to offer to anyone who is interested in enrolling for any fitness-related course at eta:

You must love what you do. It’s not just about training or building muscles. It’s not just about looking good. It’s a psychological thing, a social thing. In terms of your confidence, how you approach other people, how you approach yourself. You need to really want to be that change for that person you’re training. You need to help people be who they want to be or look how they want to look. Helping them increase their confidence will help them deal with what goes on outside of the gym.” – Oupa Mollo

Cater to your clients. Try to be everything that they look for in a trainer. For one hour, treat them like they are all that matters. Make sure that they know that you have their best interest at heart. Have variety. Make training exciting and fun while making sure they still reach their goals. Be creative and show your passion towards them.” – Rizqah van der Schyff

Having a good, motivational trainer really helps you stay dedicated and keeps you coming back after each near-death experience. This is important when you decide to follow a healthy lifestyle by starting a fitness regime.

Why do we put ourselves through this near-death experience? (I have asked myself this many times.)

Well… It feels good. You walk out of the gym feeling like you’ve accomplished something AND you start feeling better overall. Not everyone enjoys this feeling. That’s why you need people like Oupa and Rizqah. These are people who love their jobs and will help you achieve your goals. They will also help you learn to accept and love yourself.

Having just raved about the joys and contentment of exercising, I will admit that I, generally, gym so that I can eat. A LOT. Without any guilt afterwards. Perhaps I should consider a course at eta to teach me the reasons why I shouldn’t be gyming to eat.

FundiConnect 2Cents

As a fitness professional, you’re required to earn a certain amount of CPD points a year. Instead of attending conferences, why not try out a specialisation course at eta? They have many different courses, including pilates and sport massage. You’ll add to your skills, value and CV. It really is a win-win.


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