Teach Abroad: 10 Countries Looking for SA Teachers

by Staff Reporter

Would you like to teach abroad?  Well, welcome to the beautiful era of globalisation.  Countries all over the world have opened their doors to connect with people across the globe.  Teaching could be your ticket to travelling the world and enjoying the experience of a lifetime.

Due to this growing need to communicate internationally, people also want to learn the language that is common to the world: English. This is where you come in.  English is the most common language in South Africa. That is why some countries demand South African teachers.  Yay, us!  This is a seriously fancy feather in South Africa’s cap.

It is also important to take note that South African teachers are some of the most passionate workers in their field. They are the teachers who uphold their profession. South African teachers are also known as great heroes who are dedicated to helping their students succeed.  This is a pretty solid reputation.  As a result of these traits, South African teachers are sought after by some countries.  This is great news for you if you’re a South African teacher looking to explore international opportunities.

Here is a list of the countries that have the highest demand for South African teachers:

1. Thailand

Thailand has embraced globalisation and the country has a very high demand for English teachers. If you look up “Thailand” on the internet, you will see thousands of results, all related to English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching jobs. Entering Thailand is hassle-free. There have been countless teachers, before you, who were able to enter with ease. Also, there are companies that will hire and take care of everything for you. All you’ve got to do is pass your requirements and prepare to teach.  

2. China

Just like Thailand, China is looking for a pool of teachers that have good control of the English language. Although there is an educational requirement to be able to land a teaching job in China, they are open to Native English Speakers (NES).  They also offer a high salary package.  Bonus: there is the Great Wall of China factor – who doesn’t want the opportunity to see that?

3. South Korea

South-east Asian countries have a high demand for ESL teachers. South Korea is one of the countries that has opened its doors to immigrants, especially South Africans.  The main reason for this is to teach English. Look at how this country has slowly made an impact in global media. This influence comes with the demand to speak English in order for the world to better understand them.  South African teachers, you are needed big time.

4. Japan

Japan has plenty jobs but they are having a hard time finding people to hire. One of their demands is  ESL teachers. As a South-east Asian country that is also rapidly growing its economy, there is a need to learn the English language too.  The country also has the safest city in the world (Tokyo) so you can teach in a safe and sound environment.  This is an experience in itself.

5. United Arab Emirates

It is not only the South-east Asian countries that are in need of English teachers, the Middle East also has a demand for South African English teachers.  The United Arab Emirates are in need of KG, KG1 and secondary school teachers too.  This is a cool country to spend some time in so why not earn some money while you are there?

6. Oman

Similar to South-east Asian countries, the Middle East is ever-growing. Oman is one of the most improved nations in the world, in terms of development, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). With this success, the need to learn English is in high demand which means you have the opportunity to make a difference. 

7. Saudi Arabia

Offering a salary of up to $100,000  per year, Saudi Arabia is one of the sought after countries to work for when you are an ESL teacher. They offer really a good package for English teachers. The best part of teaching in Saudi Arabia is that they do not only hire teachers for English. They are also looking for teachers who can teach other subjects and have a good command of the English language.

8. Bahrain

Bahrain has a huge expatriate population. They speak Arabic, however, their international schools and universities are looking for English teachers. Bahrain offers a really good compensation package, bonuses, benefits and flight tickets. They also provide health care insurances to you as well as your family.

9. Qatar

One of the fastest growing economies in the world, Qatar hires ESL teachers and provides really decent compensation. Licensed teachers will receive bonuses on top of their basic salary.  The country hires kindergarten teachers and provides them with Arab counterparts. For teachers hired in the higher education space, permission is granted to teach on your own.  This is a pretty epic opportunity.

10. United Kingdom

If you have at least 4 years of teaching experience, you are most likely to be hired in the United Kingdom. There are a lot of South Africans who have gone to the UK to teach and the demand still exists. If you want to earn pounds and travel around spectacular places in Europe, the UK option is for you.  Try using platforms such as Jooble to help with the searching process.

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There is clearly no shortage of opportunities for teachers who are keen to work abroad.   Jobs are available for South African teachers almost anywhere on the globe – Vietnam also loves South Africans 😉  Being a teacher has never been so exciting.  All you need to do is go out there and grab the opportunities.  The time to explore is now.  The only thing left to say is:  the world is waiting for you.

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