Final year exams are all over and stress levels have gone through the roof. The question now is: are you prepared for the results? Pass or fail, the results are on the way.
Exams are over! It’s now time to rest, relax and party! Or is it? We will break down life after exams and waiting for matric results.
The last year of school almost doesn’t hit you until final exams are upon you. It’s not news that the state of education in our country has been under fire, at times. Lack of textbooks, qualified teachers and money are some of the things that have raised eyebrows in the media. But never fear! If you work hard, you’ll be part of the positive statistics. Speaking of, let’s look at the numbers to check out your chances of passing Grade 12.
Matric Results: what do the stats say?
There are a variety of statistics that offer insight into the country’s general trends. Take a look at the pass rates of the previous four years:
2015 – 70.7% ( down 5.1% from 2014)
2016 – 72.5% (up 1.8%)
2017 – 75.1% (up 2.6%)
2018 – 78.2% (up 3.1%)
It looks pretty promising with the uptrend.
There was a bit of a squabble recently when the Democratic Alliance (DA) countered Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga’s announcement of the 2018 matric pass rate. The DA said that the statistic was inaccurate as it didn’t take into account that of the 1 067 075 students enrolled in Grade 10 in 2016, less than half wrote matric in 2018. The conclusion was that only 37.6% had truly passed matric. So what happened to the other learners? DA MP Nomsa Marchesi stated that the other learners had either been stuck repeating grades or had dropped out completely.
It’s not doom and gloom though. We have some shining stars among us, most of which come from Gauteng province – namely, 8 out of the top 10 students in the country (2018). The other two top achievers are from the Free State. The average top pass rate is 90.07%. That’s pretty impressive! Kind of makes you want to work extra hard, doesn’t it? Let’s take a look at what is required of you.
How to pass: The checklist
The matric pass rate has been amended by the Department of Education and now allows the learner to fail one subject. However, you aren’t off the hook. There are still certain subjects that you have to pass in order to graduate.
Statistics offer valuable information. Here’s how to make sure you are part of the ‘pass’ statistic.
Higher certificate pass requirements
- at least 40% for your Home Language
- at least 40% for two other subjects
- at least 30% for four other subjects
- must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects
Diploma pass requirements
- at least 40% for your Home Language
- at least 40% for three other subjects excluding Life Orientation
- at least 30% in the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the tertiary institution (Higher Education Institution)
- must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects
With this pass, you can apply to study for a diploma at a TVET college or University of Technology.
Bachelor’s Degree pass requirements
- at least 40% for your Home Language (compulsory)
- at least 50% for four other subjects excluding Life Orientation
- at least 30% in Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the tertiary (Higher Eduction) institution
- at least 30% for one other subject
- at least 6 out of 7 subjects
With a Bachelor’s pass you can apply to study towards a degree at a university, university of technology, TVET college or any accredited Higher Learning Institution.
Which subjects are compulsory?
- Home Language
- First Additional Language
- Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
- Life Orientation
- Either English or Afrikaans as one of your languages
EduConnect 2Cents
Yes, numbers don’t lie. That doesn’t mean that you can’t pass with flying colours. Set the trend for a new wave of positive statistics in our country by working hard, because with some grit and determination, anything is possible.