Getting your matric certificate is the first step to getting into a college or university in South Africa. But if you didn’t pass your matric exams or didn’t score enough to enter higher education, don’t stress! There’s an opportunity for a second chance through a matric rewrite.
If you didn’t do well in your matric exams or you’re an adult seeking another chance, here’s all the information you need to apply for a matric rewrite in 2024.
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Who Can Rewrite Matric?
Anyone meeting the right criteria has the chance to redo their matric in South Africa. There are two groups of people eligible for matric rewrite:
- Learners who underperformed or failed the matric exams: They can rewrite their matric and obtain a National Senior Certificate (NSC).
- Adults seeking a second chance at completing matric: They can qualify for a Senior Certificate (SC).
To figure out which Grade 12 matric certificate you qualify for, it’s essential to understand the difference between the Senior Certificate (SC) and National Senior Certificate (NSC).
- Senior Certificate (SC): The SC is available for those 21 years or older, often referred to as “Adult Matric.”
- National Senior Certificate (NSC): The NSC is for learners under 21 who want to rewrite their exams.
After obtaining either a Senior Certificate (SC) or National Senior Certificate (NSC), you’ll have an NQF Level 4, providing numerous academic and career opportunities.
Essentially, with an NQF Level 4, you can potentially meet the requirements for your chosen college or university. It also opens doors for part-time or full-time employment, depending on your plans and career stage.
Where Can I Register for a Matric Rewrite in 2024?
Once you’ve got your final matric results, you might want to improve your results or redo your entire matric.
We get it, receiving your matric results and not getting the marks you hoped for can be stressful and disappointing. However, it’s crucial not to be too tough on yourself or feel down—especially because second chances are available!
Everyone deserves a shot at academic success, and that’s why we’ve highlighted three places in this article where you can apply for a matric rewrite in 2024:

Apply for a Matric Rewrite at the Department of Education
Grade 12 learners who want to redo their matric have the opportunity through the Department of Education’s Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP).
Launched in 2016, the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) aims to support learners seeking another opportunity to rewrite their matric subjects.
Successfully going through the SCMP will ultimately help you meet the criteria needed to earn your Senior Certificate (SC) or National Senior Certificate (NSC), commonly referred to as your “matric.”
Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) Subjects
If you opt for a matric rewrite through the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP), it’s crucial to know which subjects are available. This way, you can choose those aligning with your academic and career aspirations.
The Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) offers the following subjects for matric rewrites:
- Accounting
- Agricultural Science
- Business Science
- Economics
- English FAL
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Literacy
- Physical Sciences
- Life Sciences
Keep in mind that if your aim is to obtain your National Senior Certificate (NSC) through the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP), you can only rewrite 1 or 2 matric subjects from the list.
Candidates striving for their Senior Certificate (SC) will have unrestricted access to all subjects and will need to fulfill the complete requirements for obtaining their matric certificate.
Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) Dates
According to the Department of Education, registration for the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) began on October 1, 2023, and will conclude on February 9, 2024.
Candidates aiming for the Senior Certificate (SC) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) should take note of the following matric examination dates:
- Senior Certificate (SC) Examination Dates: Individuals aspiring for the SC qualification will sit for exams in June 2024.
- National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination Dates: Learners who attempted matric after 2008 will take their matric exams in May/June and November 2024.

Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) Requirements
The requirements for the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) are depend highly on whether you will be rewriting matric for either the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Senior Certificate (SC).
National Senior Certificate (NSC): Matric Exam Rewrite Requirements
Those of you who would like to apply for a matric rewrite for their National Senior Certificate (NSC), you’ll need to meet the below requirements:
- You must be under the age of 21
- You need to be a registered learner who did not meet the initial NSC pass requirements
- You are a learner who met the initial NSC requirements but would like to improve your marks
- You are only looking to rewrite the subjects that you previously failed
- You only need to rewrite 1 or 2 matric exam papers
- You were absent with a valid reason (for example, you were medically unfit to write or there was a death in the family)
Please note that the supplementary exams for March have been phased out. If you’d like to rewrite your matric subjects, you’ll need to apply as a part-time candidate to write the 2024 June exams.
Senior Certificate (SC): Matric Exam Rewrite Requirements
For adult learners aged 21 and above aiming to qualify for a Senior Certificate (SC) through a matric rewrite, meeting one or more of the following requirements is essential:
- Holding a General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) or possessing a Grade 9 school report indicating a pass in Grade 9 (also known as Standard 7).
- Having an NQF Level with proficiency in two of the required official languages.
Holding an incomplete Senior Certificate (SC) qualification. - Being over 21 years old with an incomplete National Senior Certificate (NSC).
Candidates must fulfill at least one of the above requirements, if not all, to be eligible to apply for the Department of Education’s Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP).
Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP): How to Apply
Learners and adults interested in applying for the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) can register without any charge. This can be done by visiting a provincial education office or by completing the registration process online through the portal.
To register for the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP) online, follow these simple steps:
- Visit
- Complete the registration form
- Submit your supporting documents
The necessary supporting documents for SCMP registration include:
- Certified copy of your ID, birth certificate, or passport
- Your previous highest qualification (if you’re a repeating candidate)
- Examination numbers from your previous Grade 12 exams or equivalent (if applicable)
Once you’ve successfully registered for the Second Chance Matric Programme (SCMP), all that’s left is to await your confirmation letter, indicating that your registration has been approved.

Apply for a Matric Rewrite at Elroi Academy
Want to rewrite your matric online from any location worldwide? Then Elroi Academy may be for you!
Elroi Academy operates as an online distance learning provider offering online courses from Grade 10 to Grade 12. They specialise in matric rewrites and bridging courses.
Eligible candidates for matric rewrites at Elroi Academy fall into two categories:
- Those who completed matric after 2007.
- Those who completed matric before 2007.
If you completed your matric after 2007, Elroi Academy allows you to earn a National Senior Certificate (NSC). On the other hand, if you completed matric before 2007, you would qualify for a Senior Certificate (SC) through their programmes.
Elroi Academy Matric Rewrite Subjects
Elroi Academy has various subjects available for individuals looking to rewrite their matric in 2024, which you can view below:
- Afrikaans Home Language or First Additional Language
- English Home Language or First Additional Language
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Computer Applications Technology (CAT)
- Geography
- History
- Life Orientation
- Life Sciences
- Mathematical Literacy
- Mathematics
- Physical Sciences
- Tourism

Elroi Academy Matric Rewrite Registration Dates
Elroi Academy’s matric rewrite programme is currently open for 2024 applications. If you’d like to register with Elroi Academy, be sure to use FundiConnect’s discount code and get an additional 20% off all services!
Elroi Academy Matric Rewrite Requirements
In order to qualify for Elroi Academy’s matric rewrite programmes, you’ll need a valid Grade 12 matric certificate or mark statement. Additionally, you’ll need the below supporting documents:
- Valid South African ID or passport, or
- Study permit to access the Grade 12 final examination
Elroi Academy Matric Rewrite: How to Apply
Meet the requirements? Great! Now it’s time to apply! Luckily, the application process for Elroi Academy is simple, and all you have to do is:
- Go to the Elroi Academy website
- Complete the “quotation” page
- Accept the terms and agreements
- Provide the person who is in charge of your account’s personal details
- Upload electronic copies of your ID and latest reports
- Follow the prompts
- Make an EFT or deposit payment for the registration fee and submit your proof of payment online
- Submit your enrolment form
After you’ve registered and made your payment, you’ll get immediate access to Elroi Academy’s content and support portal.

Apply for Matric Rewrite at Matric College
If you’re 21 or older and seeking another opportunity to rewrite your matric, Matric College could be a great fit for you.
Matric College’s exam centres are officially registered by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), and their courses are exclusively offered through distance learning.
After finishing Matric College’s matric rewrite course, you’ll be awarded an accredited Matric Certificate with a SAQA ID number. SAQA is a formal recognition of your accomplishment and is crucial for attaining an NQF Level 4.
Matric College Matric Rewrite Subjects
When it comes to matric rewrites, Matric College requires learners to choose from a list of both compulsory and optional subjects*, which can be viewed below.
Compulsory subjects:
- English Home Language
- English 1st Additional Language
- Afrikaans Huistaal (Home Language)
- Afrikaans 1st Additional Language
- isiXhosa 1st Additional Language
- isiZulu 1st Additional Language
- Sepedi 1st Additional Language
- Xitsonga 1st Additional Language
- Ndebele 1st Additional Language
- Sotho 1st Additional Language
- Tshivenda 1st Additional Language
- Siswati 1st Additional Language
- Setswana 1st Additional Language
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Literacy
Optional subjects:
- Life Science (Biology)
- Physical Science (Physics and Chemistry)
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Geography
- History
*Matric College lets you choose as many subjects as you’d like, meaning you’re not limited to the number of subjects you can rewrite.

Matric College Registration Dates
Registrations for matric rewrites at the Matric College are open throughout the year, which is great news for learners who would like a second chance at matric! With Matric College’s registrations being open indefinitely, this means you can apply for a matric rewrite or your adult matric at any point when you’re ready.
Matric College Requirements
Individuals looking to rewrite matric through Matric College will need to meet the following requirements in order to qualify:
- You need to have an incomplete matric result, or have your final matric results from Umalusi (this is the council that ensures your certificate is credible)
- You must be 21 years old or older when you write your first exams in May 2023
- You must be able to read and write in either English or Afrikaans
Matric College: How to Apply
The application for matric rewrites at Matric College can be done online, so it’s important that you have the below documents ready:
- Your South African ID number (you must be older than 21 years)
- Your latest school report (from grade 9 onwards)
- A list of subjects you would like to study
- Your personal details (name, surname, district, proof of residence)
- 2 colour ID photos
Once you’ve gathered your documentation, you can apply for a matric rewrite at Matric College online by following these steps:
- Visit the Matric College website
- Fill in the registration form
- Wait for a call back from one of Matric College’s adult matric experts
- Choose your subjects, select your payment plan and register over the phone
- Get your application processed and start studying within a mere three days of your registration!

FundiConnect’s Top Tips for Matric Rewrites
Taking your matric exams is the initial step toward qualifying for your degree, and it’s an exciting yet potentially stressful time.
To help you succeed in your matric rewrites in 2024, we’ve put together our top tips:
Manage Your Mental Health
Taking care of your mental health is essential for preventing burnout during your study sessions. Take proactive steps to care for your mental health, such as maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, taking breaks during study sessions, and confiding in someone you trust.
For additional guidance on managing your mental health during exams, check out our comprehensive guide for more helpful tips.
Learn How to Study Effectively
Understanding how to study effectively for your exams not only enhances your academic performance but also reduces exam-related stress.
If you’re seeking guidance on optimising your study sessions, explore our top 11 tips for studying effectively for exams. This article covers everything from using past exam papers to crafting a comprehensive study plan, providing you with the essential insights to excel in your matric rewrites!
Start Exam Preparation Early
The most effective way to get ready for matric exams is to begin early. Make sure you’re well-prepared for your matric rewrites by using our ultimate guide to studying for matric exams.
In our guide, you’ll find practical tips and tools to support your studies during your matric rewrites.
Fund Your Studies with Fundi
After successfully completing your final matric exams and getting your matric results, you’re on the path to advancing your education and realising your aspirations.
If the next step for you is college or university, you might be exploring ways to finance your studies. Luckily, Fundi is here to help! Fundi provides students with study loans that cater to all their educational requirements, including accommodation, tuition fees and study devices.
Wondering if you qualify for a Fundi loan? Take a look at the Fundi Loan Calculator and kickstart your academic journey today!